Your Eyes + Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is an infection that is caused by a spirochete (a type of microorganism) called Borrelia burgdorferi, and more rarely by Borrelia mayonii. It is

What Tests Might You Have During Your Eye Exam?
If it’s been a while since your last eye exam–or if you’ve never had one done–it’s always nice to know what testing you might have

What You Should Know About MIGS (Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery)
For over 40 years the standard surgical treatment for glaucoma was a procedure called a trabeculectomy. In a trabeculectomy, the ophthalmic surgeon would make a

Transitions Contact Lenses
Transition lenses in eyeglasses have been around for many years now. The mechanics behind transition lenses is that certain chemicals in the lens interact with

My New Glasses Are Too Strong!
Eye doctors typically pride themselves on being able to improve someone’s vision through glasses or contact lens prescriptions. Whether it’s a first-time glasses wearer, or

What to Do About Those Pesky Floaters
Do you have floaters in your vision? Floaters are caused by thick areas in the gel-like fluid that fills the back cavity of your eye,

Screen Time & Your Eyes
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” These famous words by Charles Dickens are playing out today in the area

Am I Dealing with Allergies, Dry Eye, or Infection?
As an eye doctor, diagnosing a red eye can be challenging. Are we dealing with an infection, allergy, inflammation, or dryness? A common question we

The Care & Cleaning of Your Glasses
Now that you have picked up your new pair of prescription eyeglasses, your focus becomes taking care of them. This is a task many disregard,

9 Fascinating Facts About Green Eyes
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day and the “wearin’ of the green,” we thought it would be fun and fitting to share some interesting facts

Why Frequent Eye Exams Are a MUST If You Take Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) was originally used to treat malaria and is now commonly used to treat rheumatological and dermatological diseases. It is frequently used for rheumatoid

Are You Asking for Trouble with Your Contacts Care Routine?
Oftentimes, contact lens wearers will skimp on their lens care because some of the solutions are costly and it seems like a good way to

Options for Vision Correction While Playing Sports
There are many options available to adults and children for corrective lenses (glasses and contacts) when engaged in physical activities. Here is a look at

How Many of These Bad Contact Lens Habits Are You Guilty Of?
Here are 11 bad contact lens habits we eye doctors often see: #1 Sleeping in your contacts. This is the No. 1 risk factor for

Demodex: The Weird Little Mite Living in Your Eyelashes
Demodex folliculorum — often just called demodex — is a mite that occurs naturally on many people’s faces and resides in hair follicles, particularly the follicles of

4 Reasons Your Eyelid Might Be Twitching
Have you ever felt a twitching sensation in your eye? Did it feel like everyone was looking at you because of it? Were you worried

Parkinson’s & Your Eyes
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative condition of the neurological system. The majority of Parkinson’s effects are on movement, often starting off very slowly and

The Power of a Mother’s Eyes
Motherhood… the sheer sound of it brings enduring memories. A mother’s touch, her voice, her cooking, and the smile of approval in her eyes. Science

What Are Retina Wrinkles?
A wrinkle on the retina — which is also known as an epiretinal membrane (ERM) or a macular pucker — is a thin, translucent tissue

I’m 45 and My Contacts No Longer Work for Me!
More middle-aged and older adults are wearing soft contacts than ever. And one of the biggest reasons they stop wearing contacts is the difficulty they

What Is a Retinal Vein Occlusion?
What does blood in the back of the eye signify, anyway? It could be a retinal vein occlusion, an ocular disorder that can occur in

Is Coffee Good or Bad for My Eyes?
The 2019 National Coffee Drinking Trends report showed that 64 percent of people who participated in the survey said they had drunk coffee the previous

Why Are They Saying I Need to Pay Out-of-Pocket for Cataract Surgery?
You’ve been diagnosed with a cataract and you’ve been told you should have cataract surgery. The surgeon is also telling you that you should consider

When Do You NEED Cataract Surgery?
Cataracts are part of the natural aging process. Everyone gets them to one degree or another if they live long enough. Cataracts, as they progress,

I Think My Reading Glasses Made My Eyes Worse!
Will reading glasses make your eyes worse? The short answer is “No.” Although we don’t know the exact mechanism by which humans lose the ability

Why Good Sunglasses are a Great Investment
The sun does some amazing things. It plays a role in big helping our bodies to naturally produce Vitamin D. In fact, many people who

The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Glaucoma
The Background Over the last several years, research has indicated a strong correlation between the presence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and glaucoma. Information from

Had LASIK? Get a Copy of Your Eye Records ASAP!
No this is not a late-night personal injury lawyer infomercial. This is a recommendation that you have your LASIK records available, for your own good,